Monday, October 1, 2007

class of 1988...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 20yr reunion is coming up! Several of us have formed a committee that has started to meet at my house every month or so. Good times! Lots of laughs and many memorable stories. My favorites are probably the ones about our Senior Trip to Gatlinburg, TN. Let me just say that our class, the class of 1988, was the LAST class to be allowed to have a Sr trip at our old high school! Yep, its true! My kids remind me of it every chance they get! (they should be going on their trip this year!). ANYWAYS~! The committee has met twice now and everyone is very excited about the upcoming milestone. The plan is to have a 3-day event that will include a cocktail party, formal dinner and a family day. Our 10yr reunion was a great success and we are bound and determined to make this one 10x better! I look forward to seeing everyone, of course, but personally my favorite part of the whole thing is spending quality time with my girlfriends!! Even though we see each other throughout the year, it is OUR TIME to just be girls! We get a room and have a "preying mantis" meeting all weekend! If I remember correctly we started out with 4 in our room and by the end of the first night we had 3-4 in each bed and bodies strung all over the floor! Just girl stuff!!! Giggling til dawn and talking about boys! lol...ok..truth is their is alot of "partying" involved..but it wouldnt be a HS reunion is we didnt act like teenagers again!..only difference is we can buy our own "smokes and booze"!!
So...Im excited! My next project will be to start a tradition of a weekend reunion every year that will be for us girls only! I find that most people tend to get together only when it is a celebration, wedding, birth or worse yet a funeral! Why can't we take the time to get together and just celebrate each other?? One weekend a year, in various places all over the country, to just be girls and do what girls, shop, drink and chat all night in our pj's!..So get ready the invites will be mailed out soon and the party is just getting started!...stay tuned..........