Tuesday, October 9, 2007


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I have tried lately to be more patient with my children, even my husband. I have noticed that I am rather obsessive compulsive and it gets to be much for my family. I like things done a certain way at home and I tend to "flip out" on everyone when things aren't accomplished when/how I ask. Which brings me to my next problem, my son. He and I are experiencing some tough times. Its not that we don't love each other, because we do! More than life itself! He is my firstborn and I can't imagine my life without him. I would however like to imagine life without the bickering and fighting over what he believes to be "his life"..."his problem"..."whatever"..."i don't care". Like most mothers of almost 18 year olds, I am sick and tired of hearing, "I cant wait to move out." WTF!! Do they think that some miracle happens on the day they turn 18? I mean does some frickin fairy drop for the sky and start paying their bills, cleaning their room, doing their laundry and picking up their dirty ass underwear from the bathroom floor?? Does someone take on the responsibilities of a car payment, insurance, cell phone, etc?? I DON'T THINK SO!!! I'm ashamed to say that he appears to need some help with anger management. He doesn't like household rules, he is not very respectful of what is his or what his dad and I have provided him or of the fact that he is still only 17 and in high school. I will give him credit, he has done a great job of bringing up his grades and I am VERY PROUD of him for that (see earlier posted blog). But on top of that I expect him to be respectful to me, his dad and sister as well as the rest of our family. I don't care for irate tantrums when told you can't take the car and stay out all night..or for the times you get questioned for where you were, who you were with and what you did that night! What happened to the days when we were able to bust our kids butts and ground them? Is it me or do all parents feel like their kids have the upper hand? I know, I know...I'm rambling on and WAYYYY to many questions..but I have to get this stuff off my mind or the OCD is going to be the least of our problems!...