Wednesday, October 24, 2007

it's been a few days...

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..since I've blogged. Probably not a good thing, would have really helped my "down" days. I called out the last 2 shifts, frankly felt like crap and didn't want to deal with the outside world anymore than absolutely necessary! I did take advantage of the last few days to work of the "creative process" of my sisterhood plan. I created a MYSPACE page and already have about 25 members. Everyone seems to be excited about the idea and looking forward to our first weekend! I'm back to work tonight, YAY!..NOT!! I don't really know what is wrong with me lately just don't have my heart or soul into it these days. Things at home are a little bit weird..I'm not even really sure what that means..I've been trying to keep the house "tidy" and we've been working on getting the yard pretty for the holidays. We tend to spend alot of time on the the back patio and have a couple "happy hours" during the next two months. I've been doing more home cooking than usual, maybe I'm going through some sort of mid life crisis?? LOL..Regardless I'm going to pull myself up by the pants and get my shit together. I always tell people that life is too short..blah blah blah! I should take my own advise!