Tuesday, November 13, 2007

what a way to start my week!...

Hi everyone! I needed a bit of a break from blogging and work so I've been a "homebody" for the past 3 days. Depression is quite the monster! But I was feeling better today until I got to work! I came in early to meet with my supervisor and my manager. Boy was that fun! It seems as if someone has had the bright idea to move all of our squads around and I will most likely be staying on nights for the next shift change instead of going back to days in January. This would mean nights for me until May. Words cannot begin to tell you how disappointed I am about that! I broke the news to my hubby who is "fit to be tied!". He is determined more than ever now to get me to find another job elsewhere! Actually, we spent a good part of the weekend talking about even selling our house and moving away. He suggested Chapel Hill, NC or maybe somewhere closer to the coast. But definitely out of Florida, if we can sell our house!

I gotta tell ya, if it wasn't that my parents and my brothers' family live here, I would have moved a looong time ago! I'd be lost without my family!
So, I'm putting it in GOD's hands and praying for the best!
Thanksgiving is next week. I'm soo looking forward to being together with my family, even though I have to work the night before and the night mom is going to have dinner ready for 230p so I can sleep in the morning and eat dinner with them before I have to be back to work. I'm looking forward to my few days off the week after. I need a break! Lauren and Kristin (her BFF) are leaving Friday to go to Michigan to see their other BFF Caitlin. She will be there until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She is very excited and I am excited for her. They are planning a day trip into Canada which Im jealous about! I've never been to Canada and have always wanted to go.
On this Friday too, I'm having a few people over for our 20yr HS reunion committee meeting. The last 2 have been fun, so I'm looking forward to it! A few drinks, laughs and lots of stories of the "gold old days". Another thing I'm excited about is our Christmas Party on "wheels" this year! John and I thought it would be fun to get a bus and have a group of us go out and celebrate the holidays! We can all drink and have fun without worrying about driving!
Well, that's all for now...time for more internet surfing at work! ...LOL