Thursday, February 21, 2008

im still here...

I know..I know...I could give you a long drawn out list of reasons as to why I haven't blog lately but the truth is simply the fact that I have had absolutely nothing much to chat about. I've been working a few extra hours and trying to keep the sanity at home. Good news came this past week, my son is NOT being expelled from school. Apparently the principal had a "change of heart" so although he has decided not to go back to that school it is his choice. He will be able to get into an alternate program and get his diploma on time in the Spring. He has been working and making an effort to get back on the right track. My daughter is still working hard in school, she is only a JR this year and she will be able to start taking classes at the community college over the summer towards her AA. This will allow her to graduate from HS and go to a 4yr college as a JR. YAY! I'm very proud of her!
Speaking of HS graduations, my 20yr reunion is well in the works. It will be held the weekend of August 15th and I'm very excited. My surgery is also getting closer to becoming a reality. I'm just waiting on medical clearance. Appears that I don't have enough oxygen in my blood..not really sure how I could dump some in there! LOL
Tonight I introduced blogging to another co-worker. Her name is Mandy and am certain she would like to hear from you! Give her a shout! Here is to you Amanda!
blogging basics 101
Let's see...Valentine's Day was nice.. I received flowers from my dad (he has been sending his "girls" flowers since I was a kid). And even though I had to work until medinight, John was so sweet..he had a candles, a rose, candy, a balloon and a really sweet card waiting for me when I got home. I was very appreciative of his thoughtfulness. Yes! I gave him SEX! LOL
This weekend Im going to the Michael Buble concert with my mom, daughter and sister-in-law. It will be fun to hang out with them. Another girls weekend! I love Michael Buble and am looking forward to the night out!
As for work, I have a new trainee. He is a ex-firefighter from Pennsylvania. Nice guy! He is very eager to learn. I'm just not sure how much I like the additional responsibility.
So..that's all for now. Tonight has been a pretty good night..I have bonded a little more with my new squad which is good since we seem to spend more time together than our own families. Adios for now! CHOW!