Wednesday, October 17, 2007

...what a bummer..

Urgh! So Im here..back at work, I don't know why but it seems as though I spend more and more time here each to the next. Luckily, I have vacation time planned for Nov and Dec so the rest of the year will go fast. This weekend was a bummer! I was set to go to Epcot on Sunday for the Food and Wine Festival, and had to bow out! I woke up Sunday morning with a horrible backache and could barely even walk. I felt so bad about cancelling, but I would not have been any fun for anyone in my company! Soo..we are going to try and re-schedule.

Let's see..anything new? Not mom and dad are back from a few days away. I watched their birds "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb" while they were away. Their trip was not all that fun, but at least they got away.

While they were gone I got to babysit my neice, Sophie Marie. She is 5 mos old and we both had alot of fun. She is doing all the sweet things babies do at that age..rolling around, kicking, drooling, cooing and laughing! Her smile is perfect with those two little "teefies"!

I also got to "hang" with my other little buddy! My nephew, TR IV..He is 4 yrs old. I love him so much, he has the best personality and makes me feel sooo loved! Today he went to Universal Studios with his dad (my brother).

Tonight, here at work we have been sooo dead! I really do like what I do, but all the downtime can make you a little crazy! I have been looking for a change, but have not found anything just yet!