Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas...

it is especially at this time of year that we think about all the blessings we have been given throughout the year. We set aside time to be with family and close friends. We look back on memories of those we have lost and truly realize how lucky we are to have loved them and had them in our lives as long as we did.
Working in 911, we see alot of sad things. Things that open our eyes as to how fortunate we truly are and how we have nothing to not be grateful for. Tonight for example my co-workers and I have had to deal with suicide attempts, threats, a lost home due to fire and the ultimate devastation, a parents loss of a child. It puts us all in a somber mood anytime these things happen, but in perspective, nonetheless. I think about tomorrow when their minds clear from the haze and they realize what they have lost. Where will this family sleep now that there home is gone? Where will families meet now that a loved one has been confined to a mental institution? Where will a mother find hope in her heart to go on with life after her baby girl no longer has one?
All these are sad and they weigh on my heart. I will go home this morning and hug my children tighter than ever before. I will look at my house and ignore that the couch pillows are on the floor. I will greet my husband with a smile and a "good morning". I also plan to make it a point to tell each and every person that means something to me how much I love them and appreciate them in my life...because I'll be back to work Christmas Eve and we never know what the new day might bring! GOD BLESS!


Johnny said...

Well, That was a very emotional read.. Thanks for the watery eyes I now have.
You and your family I consider to be very Dear friends. And I love you guys as if you were my immediate Family. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, A Safe New Years and most of all that 2008 will be your best year EVER !!!!!